Principles, Strategies, and Tactics
Know when to let best practices and good ideas go by understanding the difference between principles, strategies, and tactics.
Articles on the strategy & tactics of commercial SaaS product & company leadership
Know when to let best practices and good ideas go by understanding the difference between principles, strategies, and tactics.
See how going all-in on shipping features fast is an under-used super power that boosts revenue and drives growth for your business.
See how Lean principles can deliver more for your customers and make your team happier too by building on the practices you're already adopting.
Focusing your product team on customer value creates winning products faster. Here's how to get started.
Explore the transformative potential of Lean for your SaaS and learn how to maximize customer value, eliminate waste, and implement continuous improvement strategies to fuel your success.
Your product is attractive and inviting, but will users stay around long enough to drink the whole can?