Enterprise Service Bus for Publishing Syndicate
Create a messaging infrastructure for a distributed publisher providing customer data from a legacy ERP to modern platforms in multiple data centers at scale.
Create an inflection point for growth while modernizing the technology and processes of a well-regarded company
As combined Chief Operating Officer and Chief Technology Officer, I led the daily operations of the company to implement the company’s business strategy.
I led the Sales, Marketing, Product Management, Information Technology, Client Services, and Internal Business Systems departments. I worked with the leadership of these teams to realign our people and processes to reflect our role as a SaaS technology company serving both business and government customers.
I had P & L responsibility and worked with the CEO and VP of Finance to set budgets, monitor financial performance, and report on our results to the board and the Private Equity ownership of the company.
The company was created through the acquisition and merger of multiple companies providing eFiling and eService to courts (and related services). This long history of serving the eFiling market meant the company had an incredibly feature-rich set of court solutions hosted in multiple platforms implemented in various technologies. Our challenge was to continue to improve the functionality, performance, and flexibility of the platform while preserving the industry-leading capabilities the company was known for.
To maximize the security, performance, and availability of our solutions, we migrated entirely to Microsoft Azure and adopted Azure-managed Platform-as-a-Service features. Being cloud-native let us rapidly deploy Microsoft-maintained security features and enabled seamless application upgrades to ship more features faster.
We consolidated application platforms by picking the best options for each customer type and merging capabilities and data so our customers got improved performance, functionality, and reach from these upgrades.